I am in a very particular situation with one of the classes I'm coding. I have this class called User
that looks like this:
public class User {
private long id; // + getters and setters
private boolean isDeletable; // + getters and setters
private String name; // + getters and setters
private String password; // + getters and setters
private String email; // + getters and setters
private String authenticationRealm; // + getters and setters
private String displayName; // + getters and setters
private Date deletedDate; // + getters and setters
Within my code there are several situations where I just need an empty object of the type User
and therefore just build it using the default constructor: new User()
However, I have another class called CreateUserRequest
which models a REST request to create the user in a server. The minimum payload must contain the name
, password
, email
, and authenticationRealm
attributes sent in JSON format.
Right now I am handling this by checking for these parameters in the constructor of the request:
public CreateUserRequest(User user) {
if(user.getName() == null || user.getPassword() == null || user.getEmail() == null || user.getAuthenticationRealm() == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Not enough attributes in User object. Minimum: name, password, e-mail and authentication realm.");
This is working OK but something is itchy... I would like to enforce this in a safer way, so that the code would enforce the attributes to be populated with no possibility of an exception being thrown.
I feel like there must be a better way to do this with a design pattern. I thought of creating a UserRequestBuilder
class, but that would also possibly imply throwing an exception in the build()
method (otherwise, is there a way I can guarantee that the attributes are populated before build()
?). Dependency injection also sounds like a possibility, but I'm not sure how I would put it in place in this particular example...
Any thoughts?
How about making your REST services operate on a UserDTO? (Off course, the UserDTO could be replaced with a subclass of User).
You could annotate the fields, setters or constructor parameters on the UserDTO with @NonNull and have the Checker Framework issue compiler warnings when passing null values instead of name password, email etc to the UserDTO.
Using a framework like Mapstruct, mapping between the REST services DTOs and the backend objects is very easy:
public interface UserMapper {
public static final UserMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(UserMapper.class);
UserDTO map(User user);
User map(UserDTO userDTO);
Above code will upon compilation generate a UserMapper implementation, with autogenerated code for the specified methods ( - and the autogenerated code simply pairs similarly named getters and setters. You could do this yourself, but with many DTOs/Entities is becomes time consuming and boring).
In the DTOs you could exclude all those fields you do not want to expose.
Ps. My own usage of above mentioned is this: I am creating a REST server based on Jersey, i.e. the reference implementation of JAX-RS. This project, call it A, only knows about the DTOs. The REST methods calls into another project B, which retrieves the objects from database, and maps them to the corresponding DTO, which is then returned to project A. Part of the reason for this pattern is that the entities of project B for historical reasons are cluttered with methods/functionality, which should not be exposed to project A. As for the sanity checks (JSON to DTO), jersey supports Bean Validation, which is to say, that the framework will validate each rest resource's input beans if they are annotated with @Valid. It is also possible to create your own custom annotations, which have a ConstraintValidator defined. The bean validation framework will check these constraints on the annotated jersey REST method parameters. See https://jersey.java.net/documentation/latest/bean-validation.html#d0e13690