I am using ExtJS 4 and I need to implement something similar to the closable labels that you get in GMail when typing an email address in a textfield (see screenshot below). I've been reviewing the ExtJS library and the closest I see to this is to provide some type of layout with custom closable panels or to use CellEditing with a grid, but I still haven't seen a way to do it with a textfield.
So my question is, am I in the right track or is there another component I should consider that would be more suitable for the job? Additionally, if somebody could point or provide a code example with something closer what I have in the screenshot then that would be also very helpful.
As you are on ExtJS 4, You should look into BoxSelect.
Here and there you may need to make necessary customizations. But high-level this is pretty decent field for inputing tags for Ext-4.
In-fact the Tag field in ExtJS5 is inspired by BoxSelect.