Here is my background image:
And here is some code that I would assume scales this image to fully fit the screen.
Size visibleSize = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize();
auto bg = Sprite::create("grad.png");
bg->setScale(visibleSize.width / bg->getContentSize().width, visibleSize.height / bg->getContentSize().height);
I would expect those 4 lines to create a background sprite that would cover the entire screen size. However, here's a screenshot of what I am actually getting on my iPhone6+:
If I change the first line to
Size visibleSize = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
Then this is what I get, which isn't quite right either:
Using VisibleSize
is correct, you just need one more change:
By default, cocos2d-x uses ResolutionPolicy::NO_BORDER, so the bottom part of winSize is likely to be cropped.
returns the visible origin in Point rather then pixel.