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Apache Commons CSV : Read Values with comma

I am converting CSV files to a Java Bean. I need to maintain the comma inside a value which is enclosed in "".

Here is my code.

public static PPRCV convertContestToObj(String fileName) throws IOException {

    PPRCV pprcvHandler = PPRCVFactory.getPPRCVTable(fileName);

    CSVFormat csvFileFormat = CSVFormat.DEFAULT.newFormat(',').withEscape('"');

    List<PPRCV> pprcvs = new ArrayList<>();
    FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(fileName);

    CSVParser csvFileParser = new CSVParser(fileReader, csvFileFormat);

    List<CSVRecord> csvRecords = csvFileParser.getRecords();

    for (CSVRecord csvRecord : csvRecords) {

    return pprcvHandler;


Sample CSV line:

7080001, XI, ProvinceX, TownX, BRGX, "SHOOL, BRGX", "0054A,0055A,0055B,0055C"

my DTO

private String precintCode;

private String regionName;

private String provinceName;

private String municipalityName;

private String districtName;

private String votingCenter;

private String precint;

My expected output should be

precintCode = "7080001"

regionName = "XI"

provinceName = "ProvinceX"

municipalityName = "TownX"

districtName = "BRGX"

votingCenter = "SCHOOL, BRGX"

precint = "0054A,0055A,0055B,0055C"

However actual output is this

precintCode = "7080001"

regionName = "XI"

provinceName = "ProvinceX"

municipalityName = "TownX"

districtName = "BRGX"

votingCenter = ""SCHOOL"

precint = " , BRGX,"0054A"


  • I was able to do it using the withQuote function from the library.
