I want to add one picture (displaying "DRAFT") by printable Excel worksheet in C# EPPlus.
I need to know if there is a way to find the last visible row of each page of a worksheet when you are printing it. I can't pretend that it will always be a fix number of row per page because it depends on the content of the cells.
Here is my current code that use a fix number of row per page (30) to insert image. This result in approximately one image per printable page except that in each new page the image is not at the same place. (Slightly off, depending on content of cells.)
public void InsertDraftImage(ExcelWorksheet worksheet, FileInfo draft_image)
int maxRowNumber = worksheet.Dimension.End.Row;
int rowByPage = 30;
int numberOfPage = (maxRowNumber / rowByPage) + 1;
ExcelPicture picture = null;
for(int i = 0; i < numberOfPage; i++)
if(draft_image != null)
picture = worksheet.Drawings.AddPicture(i.ToString(), draft_image);
picture.SetSize(609, 545); //original image size
picture.SetPosition(i * rowByPage, 0, 1, 0);
picture.EditAs = eEditAs.Absolute;
After trying to implement the missing code in 'ExcelHeaderFooter.cs' from the EPPlus with a workmate without success, we finally did it by following Ernie suggestion!!
There is my final code to insert a picture into each page of a printable excel file generate with EPPlus in C#.
It is done by adding the picture in the footer and setting the Boolean ScaleWithDoc to false (default = true).
public void InsertDraftImage(ExcelWorksheet worksheet, FileInfo draft_image)
ExcelHeaderFooterText footer = worksheet.HeaderFooter.OddFooter; //all page have same footer
footer.InsertPicture(draft_image, PictureAlignment.Centered);
Added this code in my method to create the ExcelWorksheet (all the other excel style, populate, settings).
XmlAttribute temp = worksheet.WorksheetXml.CreateAttribute("scaleWithDoc");
temp.Value = "0";