I've found a problem while typing a filter and then remove it, the collection keeps being filtered and not showing the items with undefined or null values in the filtered term.
An example code:
<div ng-app="App" ng-controller="AppController as app">
Name: <input ng-model="listFilters.name" type="text"/>
Short Description: <input ng-model="listFilters.shortDescription" type="text"/>
<li ng-repeat="person in app.persons | filter:{name: listFilters.name, shortDescription: listFilters.shortDescription}">
The angular code:
angular.module('App', []);
angular.module('App').controller('AppController', AppController);
function AppController() {
var ctrl = this;
ctrl.persons = [
name: 'Bill',
shortDescription: null
name: 'Sally',
shortDescription: 'A girl'
name: 'Jhon',
A working fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/89pkcww2/
Steps to see the problem I'm talking about:
I guess this is a default behavior in Angular filters but... is there a way to change it? Do I have to make my own filter?
I want to filter by both properties separately, the collection | filter: filter.var
does not serve this purpose.
Nor this is the same as filtering to show only not null values, it's closer to the opposite...
cant bind to the property.