Having trouble with a little exercise, suppose I have:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int factorialFinder(int x) {
if (x==1) {
return 1;
return x*factorialFinder(x-1);
int main()
cout << factorialFinder(5) << endl;
How would you trace this? For example:
Put in 5 into the factorialFinder function.
if (5 == 1) (False, so skip)
returns 5 times factorialFinder(5-1)
this means returns 5 times factorialFinder(4)
this means go back to function
if (4 == 1) (False, so skip)
returns 4 times factorialFinder(4-1)
Now if you follow my logic, my question is in my last statement
returns 4 times factorialFinder(4-1)
Does it return 4 or does it return 20 because it multiplies the 5*4 first?
One way to generate a trace is to instrument the code, adding trace output statements. It can be a good idea to create some support for that. E.g.,
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
auto operator*( int const n, string const& s )
-> string
string result;
for( int i = 1; i <= n; ++i ) { result += s; }
return result;
class Tracer
std::string callspec_;
std::string result_;
auto call_level()
-> int&
static int the_level;
return the_level;
static auto indent() -> string { return ". "; }
template< class Value >
auto result( Value v )
-> Value
result_ = to_string( v );
return v;
clog << "<- " << call_level()*indent() << callspec_;
if( not result_.empty() )
clog << " returns " << result_;
clog << endl;
Tracer( string funcname )
: callspec_( move( funcname ) )
clog << "-> " << call_level()*indent() << callspec_ << endl;
auto factorial( int const x )
-> int
Tracer trace( "factorial " + to_string( x ) );
return trace.result( x == 1? 1 : x*factorial( x - 1 ) );
auto main() -> int
cout << factorial( 5 ) << endl;
-> factorial 5 -> . factorial 4 -> . . factorial 3 -> . . . factorial 2 -> . . . . factorial 1 <- . . . . factorial 1 returns 1 <- . . . factorial 2 returns 2 <- . . factorial 3 returns 6 <- . factorial 4 returns 24 <- factorial 5 returns 120 120
However, just using a debugger to execute the code step by step can be just as enlightening with much less work.