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Change RasterBrick dimensions from TXY to XYT

I am trying to import a netCDF file into a RasterBrick in R. The netCDF file has 3 dimensions.

nc <- open.ncdf("");
[1] "file has 3 dimensions:"
[1] "lon   Size: 1386"
[1] "lat   Size: 585"
[1] "day   Size: 365"
[1] "------------------------"
[1] "file has 1 variables:"
[1] "short dead_fuel_moisture_100hr[day,lon,lat]  Longname:dead_fuel_moisture_100hr Missval:-9999"

The size of the day dimension correspond to daily fuel moisture for one year (365 days). I'd like to import these into a RasterBrick for additional analysis which is pretty straightforward with,

r <- ""
b <- brick(r,varname="dead_fuel_moisture_100hr")

However, the issue is that the ncol and nlayers in the RasterBrick are switched, which results in an incorrect rasterLayer for each layer in the brick. The dimensions of the RasterBrick should read 1386, 585, 505890, 365 instead of the dimensions below:

class       : RasterBrick 
dimensions  : 1386, 365, 505890, 585  (nrow, ncol, ncell, nlayers)
resolution  : 1, 0.04166667  (x, y)
extent      : 37619.5, 37984.5, -124.793, -67.043  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
coord. ref. : NA 
data source : 
names       : X49.3960227966309, X49.3543561299642, X49.3126894632975, X49.2710227966309, X49.2293561299642, X49.1876894632975, X49.1460227966309, X49.1043561299642, X49.0626894632975, X49.0210227966309, X48.9793561299642, X48.9376894632975, X48.8960227966309, X48.8543561299642, X48.8126894632975, ... 
degrees_north: 25.0626894632975, 49.3960227966309 (min, max)
varname     : dead_fuel_moisture_100hr 

I am wondering if there is any way to specify the dimensions when creating the RasterBrick to avoid this problem?


  • I was able to figure out a solution (or perhaps work around) to the above problem.

    I first import the netCDF file into an array in R.

    dname <- "dead_fuel_moisture_100hr"
    array1 <- get.var.ncdf(nc, dname) 
    [1]  365 1386  585

    The dimensions of array1 are: days, columns, rows. However, I can change the dimensions of the array:

    array2<-aperm(array1, c(3, 2, 1))
    [1]  585 1386  365

    Now the array is organized properly: rows, columns, days. At this point I can access the depth range I need (days 1 through 365) as a matrix:<-array2[,,1]

    The matrix can be converted to a raster too:

    r2<-raster(nrow=585,ncol=1386,, xmn=-124.7722, xmx=-67.06383,  ymn=25.06269, ymx=49.39602)