My current project is using S4 objects and I would like to access the generic methods like in python or C. Here is the example
representation(balance = 'numeric', holder = 'character'),
prototype = prototype(balance = NA_real_, holder = NA_character_),
validity = function(object) {
if (object@balance < 10) {
return("The start balance should not be negative")
setMethod("show", signature = "Account",
definition = function(object) {
cat("The account holder is", object@holder, "\n")
cat("The account balance is", object@balance, "\n")
setGeneric("deposit", def = function(.Object, amount) {
setMethod("deposit", signature = "Account",
definition = function(.Object, amount) {
nameObject <- deparse(substitute(.Object))
.Object@balance <- .Object@balance + amount
assign(nameObject, .Object, envir = parent.frame())
Currently I can use the following:
acc <- new("Account", balance = 10, holder = "nal-ra")
deposit(acc, 20)
#> The account holder is nal-ra
#> The account balance is 30
I would like use the acc$.$deposit(20)
instead of deposit(acc, 20)
I know that reference class and R6 class can do the job, but my project can not use them.
S4 methods don't work that way. Instead, update and return the object
setMethod("deposit", signature = "Account",
definition = function(.Object, amount) {
.Object@balance <- .Object@balance + amount
acc = deposit(acc, 20)
A different formulation would be to write a deposit<-
replacement method
setGeneric("deposit<-", function(x, value) standardGeneric("deposit<-"))
setReplaceMethod("deposit", c("Account", "numeric"), function(x, value) {
x@balance <- x@balance + value
> acc <- new("Account", balance = 10, holder = "nal-ra")
> deposit(acc) <- 20
> acc
The account holder is nal-ra
The account balance is 30