I am quite new to VBA so I am sorry if my question might seems very trivial. I would love to write a function in VBA which helps to estimate weighted average rate (for loan portfolio, for instance). I wrote the following VBA code:
Function WAIRS(Amount As Range, InterestRate As Range, MatchRange As Range, Match1)
WAIRS = Evaluate("=SUMPRODUCT(--(""" & MatchRange & """ = """ & Match1 & """),""" & Amount & """, """ & InterestRate & """)") /Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(Amount, MatchRange, Match1)
End Function
The problem is that when I run this function in Excel by adding respective function criterias I get an "#VALUE#". I have tried a lot but cannot find out what is wrong. I Would highly appreciate if you can help me.
Thank you in advance.
Best, Jeyhun
The string you build for Evaluate
should (in this case) not include literal double quotes. Instead of quoting the result of a range value
"""" & MatchRange & """"
...you should retrieve the address notation of that range, and use that without wrapping it in quotes:
If you apply that consistently, it would make the Evaluate
part of the formula look like this:
"=SUMPRODUCT(--(" & MatchRange.Address() & " = " & Match1.Address() & "), " & _
Amount.Address() & ", " & InterestRate.Address() & ")"
The above will not work if your ranges are on another sheet. In that case, I would suggest to create this function:
Public Function fullAddr(range As Range)
fullAddr = "'" & range.Parent.Name & "'!" & _
End Function
And then in your formula:
"=SUMPRODUCT(--(" & fullAddr(MatchRange) & " = " & fullAddr(Match1) & "), " & _
fullAddr(Amount) & ", " & fullAddr(InterestRate) & ")"