I'm trying to create a printing function. I want it to be able to take in a list of variables and print out both their value and their name. So far, I have the following code:
std::ostream& debug_values(std::ostream& out);
template <typename V, typename... R>
std::ostream& debug_values(
std::ostream& out, const V& value, const R&... remaining) {
out << value << ", ";
debug_values(out, remaining...);
return out;
This works, but it only prints out the values. For example:
ostream out;
int i1 = 1;
int i2 = 2;
debug_values(out, i1, i2) //Will print 1, 2
Instead, I would like debug_values to print out the following:
debug_values(out, i1, i2); //i1: 1, i2: 2
Is there a way to do this in C++? If so, how?
You can not use pure C++ to achieve that. However you can use the preprocessor to achieve what you want
#define PP( expr ) std::cout<<#expr<<" "<<expr<<std::endl;
See it live here : http://ideone.com/UopOni
Alternatively, Qt's QObject
s can have this kind of named variables called properties
This solution is useful for debugging or logging, but it's not very pretty.