I’m trying to toggle between a true
and false
value with a bound checkbox (photoApproved
), but having no so luck in my controller code.
Here’s the photos_controller.js
App.PhotosController = Ember.ArrayController.extend(
photoApproved: ((key, value) ->
model = @get("model")
if value is 'undefined'
model.get "approved"
model.set "approved", value
Here’s the template
file photos.hbs
{{#each controller}}
<li class="masonry-brick">
<h3>Approved: {{approved}}</h3>
{{input type="checkbox" checked=photoApproved class="toggle"}}
{{#link-to "photo" this}}{{name}}{{/link-to}}
<img {{bind-attr src=image_url}} alt="Logo">
<li>There are no photos.</li>
And finally, here’s the model
App.Photo = DS.Model.extend(
name: DS.attr("string")
description: DS.attr("string")
image_url: DS.attr("string")
approved: DS.attr("boolean")
How should I change my photoApproved function to get things working properly?
Ember 2.4 answer:
<input type="checkbox"
checked="{{if info.show_in_email 'checked'}}"
onclick={{action (mut info.show_in_email)
value="target.checked"}} />
where info
is a ember model and show_in_email
is a boolean field.