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How to run test methods in order with Junit

I am using JUnit and Selenium Webdriver. I want to run my test methods in order as how I write them in my code, as below:

public void registerUserTest(){
    // code

public void welcomeNewUserTest(){
    // code

public void questionaireNewUserTest(){
    // code

But it doesn't work, it always executes my test methods in this order:


I read an answer somewhere if I name my method with suffix Test, then JUnit would execute them in order as how I order them in code. Apparently, this doesn't work.

Any help? Thanks


  • So for tests like these - where the steps are dependent on each other - you should really execute them as one unit. You should really be doing something like:

    public void registerWelcomeAndQuestionnaireUserTest(){
        // code
        // Register
        // Welcome
        // Questionnaire

    As @Jeremiah mentions below, there are a handful of unique ways that separate tests can execute unpredictably.

    Now that I've said that, here's your solution.

    If you want separate tests, you can use @FixMethodOrder and then do it by NAME_ASCENDING. This is the only way I know.

    public class TestMethodOrder {
        public void testA() {
        public void testC() {
        public void testB() {

    will execute:

    testA(), testB(), testC()

    In your case:

    public class ThisTestsEverything{
        public void T1_registerUser(){
            // code
        public void T2_welcomeNewUser(){
            // code
        public void T3_questionaireNewUser(){
            // code