I want to do something that in a classical object oriented language like Java, C# etc. is very easy to do. I simply want to access a property of an instantiated object. The object is globally scoped in the browser's window object, and provided by the twitter @anywhere API.
For my code examples, assume you have already logged the user in.
If I were using java for instance, I would say (assuming all fields were public:
twttr = new twtter();
String screenName = twtter.currentUser.data('screen_name');
For some reason, this is way hard in Javascript. I've gotten a workaround working where inside the anonymous method that the twitter anywhere API is using, I set the value I want to a DOM element, and fish it out later. This is ugly though. I just want to access it directly.
Here's what I have so far, which doesn't even pass syntax checks in eclipse:
function AnywhereFacade()
var twitterReference;
return function(T)
twitterReference = T;
return twitterReference.currentUser.data(propertyToGet);
var anywhereFacade = AnywhereFacade();
var screen_name = anywhereFacade.getValue("screen_name");
alert("screen name is: " + propertyGetter);
Please help! Why is Javascript so hard to use anyway? What I'm trying to do is use a closure I think.
this is all I needed to do.
document.getElementById('messagePanel').innerHTML = "loading...";
document.getElementById('messagePanel').innerHTML = "screen_name: " + T.currentUser.data('screen_name');
this made me realize my issue was just that I had to use a callback for when twitter returned from the async call. that helped me solve my initial problem of how to wrap it for gwt.