I am using an Ember Component(Eg: a button) in an array:
{{#each employees as |employee|}}
{{component "button" action='promoteEmployee' emp_id=employee.id}}
And, in component action on button is pressButton(eg):
pressButton: function(){
this.sendAction('action', this.get('emp_id'));
But, when the list of employee gets rendered(eg):
Alice |Promote| Mark |Promote| Tesla |Promote|
And i click on the button to promote an employee(say employee Mark), the emp_id which is bubbled up is of Alice(always of the first employee in the list) (and not Mark), can you let me know where am I going wrong here?
So you need to pass the employee id as a parameter of the action:
{{#each employees as |employee|}}
{{button action=(action 'promoteEmployee' employee.id)}}
actions: {