I have a table in cassandra whose structure is like this
CREATE TABLE dmp.Table (
pid text PRIMARY KEY,
day_count map<text, int>,
first_seen map<text, timestamp>,
last_seen map<text, timestamp>,
usage_count map<text, int>
Now I'm trying to query it using spark-cassandra driver , So is there any where I can get the chunks of data. As in if I have 100 rows , I should be able to get 0-10 rows then 10 -20 and so on.
CassandraJavaRDD<CassandraRow> cassandraRDD = CassandraJavaUtil.javaFunctions(javaSparkContext).cassandraTable(keySpaceName, tableName);
I'm asking this as there is no column in my table where I can Query using IN clause to get range of rows.
You can add an auto-incrementing ID coloumn -- see my DataFrame-ified Zip With Index solution. Then you can query by the newly-created id
SELECT ... WHERE id >= 0 and id < 10;