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Query with empty cells only works with "LEN(name) > 1 or LEN(name) < 2"

In my program ( I can only start a oleDBQuery to access a Acces 2000 Table when there are some cells empty, when I use "LEN(EnterName) > 1 or LEN(EnterName) < 2", which is strange, cause > 1 and <2 would just select any cell just like without LEN.

If i dont use LEN then I get this Error Message

"The given transformation is invalid"

This isn't the only problem. When I use LEN it does not return the empty Cells, which i need.

Would be cool if you could help me.

Picture of Database and vb Application (using LEN) sry I needed to pixelate anything but this one line, cause of data protection. If you need more information, please ask me!


    Using connection As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\temp\WE2015_NEU dura logo.mdb;Persist Security Info=False;")

        'fills the combobox with information from the database
        connection.Open()                                                                                                                      '║
        Dim command_Name_Firmen As New OleDbCommand("SELECT Betrieb FROM MaterialHist Where LEN(Betrieb) > 1 or LEN(Betrieb) < 2", connection) '║
        Dim reader_Name_Firmen As OleDbDataReader = command_Name_Firmen.ExecuteReader()                                                        '║
        While reader_Name_Firmen.Read()                                                                                                        '║
            DatenbankboxDrölf.Items.Add(reader_Name_Firmen.GetString(0))   ''Here in the Brackets is the error if i would not use LEN          '║(Datenbankdrölf = Combobox)
        End While                                                                                                                              '║
        reader_Name_Firmen.Close()                                                                                                             '║
        connection.Close()                                                                                                                     '║

    End Using


  • It seems you need a proper handling of NULL values, using IsDbNull()

    See - read null value from database