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VHDL syn_looplimit and synthesis

I have a problem in synthesis with my VHDL code : I am trying to get the logarithm value of an input signal S_ink:

My code :

entity ....

architecture rtl of myEntity is
attribute syn_looplimit : integer;
attribute syn_looplimit of loopabc : label is 16384;

  variable temp : integer;
  variable log  : integer;

    if(I_clk'event and I_clk='1') then
      if (IN_rst='0') then
        temp := S_ink+1;               --S_ink is an input of my entity (integer)
        loopabc:while (temp/=0) loop
          log :=log+1;
        end loop loopabc;
      end if;
    end if;
end process;

It works very well in simulation but doesn't synthesize. The error message is : "While loop is not terminating. You can set the maximum of loop iterations with the syn_looplimit attribute"

However, this code synthesize (but that is not what I want)

entity ....

architecture rtl of myEntity is
attribute syn_looplimit : integer;
attribute syn_looplimit of loopabc : label is 16384;

  variable temp : integer;
  variable log  : integer;

    if(I_clk'event and I_clk='1') then
      if (IN_rst='0') then
        temp := 3000;       -- a random constant value
        loopabc:while (temp/=0) loop
          log :=log+1;
        end loop loopabc;
      end if;
    end if;
end process;


  • When the synthesis tool translates the design, it will make a circuit with a topology that does not depend on the data values, but where the wires carries the data values. The circuit must have a fixed calculation latency between each level of flip-flops, so timing analysis can determine if the amount of logic between flip-flops can fit for the specified frequency. In this process any loops are unrolled, and you can think of this as converting the loop to a long sequence of ordinary (non-loop) statements. To do this unrolling, the synthesis tool must be able to determine the number of iterations in the loops, so it can repeated the loop body this number of times when doing loop unrolling.

    In the first code example the number of iterations in the loop depends on the S_ink value, so the synthesis tool can't unroll the loop to a fixed circuit, since the circuit depends on the data value.

    In the second code example the synthesis tool can determine the number of iterations in the loop, thus do the unrolling to a fixed circuit.

    One way to address this is make the algorithm with a fixed number of iteration, where this number of iterations can handle the worst case input data, and where any superfluous iteration on other input data will not change the result.