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Checking to see whether a hardcoded value is present in a gxt simplecombobox

I'm using gxt 2.0.3 in Java and I have created a SimpleComboBox which I then populate with 2 strings.

final SimpleComboBox<String> accessedComboBox = new SimpleComboBox<String>();
accessedComboBox.setEmptyText("Select a type");     
accessedComboBox.add("Method 1");
accessedComboBox.add("Method 2");

I also have a listener attached to a different SimpleComboBox and depending on what is selected I need to either add or remove the value from the above accessedComboBox

if (typeComboBox.getSimpleValue() == "Type 1")
    //Remove desktop app option
    accessedComboBox.remove("Method 2");
    if (accessedComboBox.??) { // <--- Check to see whether desktop app is an option
        //if not then add it
        accessedComboBox.add("Method 2");

I can't work out what function to use to check the see whether an option already exists in the SimpleComboBox. I have looked in this documentation but I've still had no luck.

Can anyone help?


  • Not sure if you got this yet. It's a little funky, but you can get the String values from the ListStore. Something like this:

    for (SimpleComboValue<String> value : accessedComboBox.getStore().getModels()) {
       if (!value.getValue().equals("Method 1")){
           accessedComboBox.add("Method 1");