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Generating a spatial prediction (raster) from a GLMM with a random intercept and a quadratic term

As indicated in the title, I am trying to generate a predictive raster depicting the relative probability of use. To create a reproducible example, I have used the MaungaWhau data from the maxlike package. MaungaWhau is a list that contains two raster layers as well a layer of 1000 locations. So, with these data and packages...


we can make two raster layers, a raster stack, as well as a SpatialPoints object.

elev <- raster(MaungaWhau$elev, xmn=0, xmx=61, ymn=0, ymx=87) 
precip <- raster(MaungaWhau$precip, xmn=0, xmx=61, ymn=0, ymx=87) 
rs <- stack(elev, precip)

PointDat <- SpatialPoints(MaungaWhau$xy)

I then make a new dataframe that contains IndID: the unique ID for each individual (AAA - DDD); Used: the binary response variable indicating whether the point was used or not (1 or 0, respectively); as well as the Elev and Precip values for each point from the SpatialPoints object.

df <- data.frame(IndID = sample(c("AAA", "BBB", "CCC", "DDD"), 1000, replace = T),
            Used = sample(c(0,1),1000, replace = T),
            Elev = extract(elev, PointDat),
            Precip = extract(precip, PointDat))
head(df); tail(df)

> head(df); tail(df)
  IndID Used      Elev     Precip
1   DDD    0 0.3798393  0.6405494
2   DDD    1 0.8830846  1.1174869
3   AAA    0 1.9282864  0.9641432
4   DDD    0 1.5024634  0.4695881
5   BBB    1 1.3089075 -0.1341483
6   BBB    1 0.5733952  0.6246699

I then build a resource selection model (RSF) and specify IndID as a random effect. Notice also, that I included a quadratic term for Elev.

#Make model
Mod <- glmer(Used ~ Elev + I(Elev^2) + Precip + (1|IndID), family=binomial, data = df, verbos = 1) 

I am not interested in interpretation given the made up used and available points. My first question is more if a confirmation. The raster package vignette states that "The names in the Raster object should exactly match those expected by the model." In the instance of the quadratic term fit with I(Elev^2) am I correct that predict will be 'looking' for Elev? This seems to be the case as there in no error associated with Elev in the predict code below.

Secondly, how do I deal with the random intercept term (1|IndID)? I am interested in marginal predictions and do not need to account for individuals.

With the following code

#Change names of layers in raster stack to match model
names(rs) <- c("Elev", "Precip")

Pred <- predict(rs, Mod)

I get the error:

Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'IndID' not found

Is it possible to generate a marginal prediction for the 'typical' individual without passing the IndID covariate to the predict function? In other words, I want to ignore the IndID term and the associated individual adjustments to the intercept when making the prediction surface.


  • The predict function for lme4 (merMod) objects makes conditional predictions by default.

    To make marginal/unconditional predictions, you need to make use of the re.form argument. Your code would look like:

    Pred <- predict(rs, Mod, re.form = NA)

    If you also wanted predictions done on the scale of the response variable, you can use the type argument. See the help page for more details on the available arguments, ?predict.merMod.