I have a repeat control which I have bound to a sessionScope variable and it works fine. I am trying to make the control a bit more extensible by dynamically binding it to either a viewScope or a sessionScope variable. I have added a Custom Property to the Control that holds the repeat and have called it scope. The problem is how to bind the repeat to the correct Scoped variable. On the Repeat control I have selected JavaScript as the binding method and added this code:
switch (compositeData.scope){
case 'ss' :
return sessionScope.ssCat1
case 'vs' :
return viewScope.vsCat1
I have checked and in my case compositeData.scope = 'ss' and the sessionScope.ssCat1 contains the correct data.
So am I missing something or is this even possible?
Is it not a better way to inject the repeat values in the custom control by a custom parameter Name it repeat or something else with object as property type.
In your custom control you have
<xp:repeat id="repeat1" rows="30"
var="rowData" style="width:400px" value="#{compositeData.repeat}">
//do what ever you want with a rowData