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get vpos and hpos out vsync and hsync

For a project i got a screen with a resolution of 1024*600. For the project i need a squarre of 20px *20px with a red color. Im trying to get my verticale pos en horizontale pos out of the hsync en vsync pulse but this doesn't work. Have anyone a solution?

process(int_hsync, int_vsync)
 if Rising_Edge(int_vsync) then
    vsync <= 0;
 elsif Rising_Edge(in_clk) then
    vsync <= vsync+1;
 end if;
 if Rising_Edge(int_hsync) then
    hsync <= 0;
 elsif Rising_Edge(in_clk) then
    hsync <= hsync+1;
 end if;
end process;

    if Rising_Edge(in_clk) then
        if hsync < 20 and vsync <20 then
            int_pixel   <= X"0000ff";
            int_pixel   <= X"ff0000";
        end if;
    end if;
end process;


  • Without some additional details it is very difficult to tell what you are trying to do.

    However, I did notice that your process is only sensitive to int_hsync and int_vsync, yet you are looking for a rising_edge of in_clk. You should do an edge detect similar to this, instead (assuming that in_clk is much faster than hsync and vsync):

      if rising_edge(in_clk) then
         int_vsync_dly <= int_vsync;
         int_hsync_dly <= int_hsync;
         if int_vsync = '1' and int_vsync_dly = '0' then -- rising edge detect
            vsync <= 0;
            vsync <= vsync+1;
         end if;
         if int_hsync = '1' and int_hsync_dly = '0' then -- rising edge detect
            hsync <= 0;
            hsync <= hsync+1;
         end if;
      end if;
    end process;

    This increments vsync and hsync counters every time a rising edge of the respective trigger signals is observed. Do make sure that the inputs are properly registered before the edge detection to help avoid meta-stable cases.