To take this question clear, I take for this question the sample workflow delivered by Sitecore version 6.6.
In the Sitecore solution I have defined three roles (in order by a lot of permissions to low):
Ad 1. The administrator does have all permissions.
Ad 2. The author does have all permissions to create, edit and delete content, to publish the content - and to approve and disapprove content written by the blogger.
Ad 3. The blogger has only rights to create content under a specific path in the content three and only based on the Blog template. This user has no rights to publish content
Now the problem. The user with role Author and Blogger cannot see the workflow ribbon in the review tab. Does anyone know how to solve this?
Thanks a lot, Jordy
Please assign sitecore\Sitecore Client Authoring role to Author and Blogger in Member of.
How? If you login and go to core database by appending ?sc_content=core in url and enter. Now you traverse to below item. Now click Assign command in Security Tab.
/sitecore/content/Applications/Content Editor/Ribbons/Chunks/Workflow
You will see as below. Note: I checked this in Sitecore 8 Initial but hope this should be same for your version.