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Setting parameters during stored procedure execution

Hi I am calling an SP from Java code. This SP has 50+ input parameters. So I set ct.setInt(1, id); like this from 1 to 50. So if i need to remove say 4th parameter, i need to change all the numbers manually which is a tedious process. Is there any good way to implement this? Some loop way where we dont need to manually change the parameter number?


  • Ideally, you can use named parameters (which I know may not work too well with all databases/drivers).

    Or you could do

    int i = 1;
    ct.setInt(i++, id);
    //  ct.setObject(i++, old);    // removed line, everything renumbers itself
    ct.setString(i++, somethingElse);
    ct.setString(i++, evenMore);

    to keep track of the index.