Is it possible to write a mule expression to check whether all the values of Name in the below json request are the same?
I am trying something like #[($ in if $.Name==$.Name)]
but its not working
please suggest
"items" : [
"Name": "Raj",
"transaction_tag": "value1",
"transaction_type": "withdraw"
"Name": "Raj",
"transaction_tag": "value2",
"transaction_type": "submit"
"Name": "Raj",
"transaction_tag": "value3",
"transaction_type": "inquiry"
I think a cleaner implementation would be to map the JSON to a POJO (Java object) using the JSON to Object transformer.
For example:
<json:json-to-object-transformer returnClass="com.mycompany.Request" doc:name="JSON to Request"
doc:description="Convert the JSON payload to a Java object for further processing." />
You can name your POJO "Request," as in the example above, and as a member a List of Items, and a boolean method of name hasRepeatedItems() that returns true or false if the items are repeated or not.
After your JSON goes through your transformer (successfuly), your payload now will be a Java Object "Request."
You can use a choice router and invoke the method payload.hasRepeatedItems().
<choice doc:name="Choice">
<when expression="payload.hasRepeatedItems()">
Do something ...
Do something else...
I hope this helps. Please let me knot if I need to elaborate further.