I am playing with JCodeModel and trying to generate a class; thanks to this link I was able to come up with this:
public final class CodeModelTest
private CodeModelTest()
throw new Error("no instantiation is permitted");
public static void main(final String... args)
throws JClassAlreadyExistsException, IOException
final JCodeModel model = new JCodeModel();
final JDefinedClass c = model._class("foo.bar.Baz");
final JMethod method = c.method(JMod.PUBLIC, Rule.class, "someRule");
final CodeWriter cw = new OutputStreamCodeWriter(System.out,
So, this works. The generated code on stdout is:
package foo.bar;
import com.github.fge.grappa.parsers.BaseParser;
import com.github.fge.grappa.rules.Rule;
public class Baz
extends BaseParser
public Rule someRule() {
return null;
So far so good.
Now, the problem is that I'd like to extends BaseParser<Object>
and not BaseParser
... And I am unable to figure out how to do that despite quite a few hours of googling around...
How do I do this?
You need to call the narrow method in the builder: