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How can I execute osgi command in code

I am using Equinox. I wanna execute osgi command in code.

ex. install bundle command

public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception {

    String cmd = "install file:///e://testBundle.jar"

    // How can I execute cmd in code?

thanks for help


  • You can manage bundles through the BundleContext, or an instance of a Bundle:

    1. BundleContext.installBundle allow you to install a bundle from an URL

    2. You can find a Bundle instance with the BundleContext. See for example BundleContext.getBundles(). On a Bundle instance, you can call start(), stop(), update() or uninstall()

    See: BundleContext and Bundle

    If you really want to access to a shell and execute commands, Equinox uses Apache Felix Gogo Shell. You should get a reference to a CommandProcessor, create a CommandSession from this processor, and call execute on this session.

    CommandProcessor commandProcessor;
    CommandSession commandSession = commandProcessor.createSession(, System.out, System.err);