I've written a C# program using the Google Docs .NET API to read a Google worksheet into a DataTable given a user name, password, spreadsheet name, and worksheet name. This all works fine, but the programming model seems to revolve around giving the spreadsheet service a set of credentials, and then paring down the resulting feed to get a specific spreadsheet/worksheet, i.e.
SpreadsheetsService service = new SpreadsheetsService("Application-Name");
service.setUserCredentials(userName, password);
SpreadsheetQuery spreadsheetQuery = new SpreadsheetQuery();
SpreadsheetFeed spreadsheetFeed = service.Query(spreadsheetQuery);
SpreadsheetEntry spreadsheetEntry = (SpreadsheetEntry)(from entries in spreadsheetFeed.Entries
where entries.Title.Text == spreadsheetName
select entries).SingleOrDefault();
Now I'm interested in extending the functionality of my program to read from public Google spreadsheets. That is, given the URL of a public Google spreadsheet (e.g. "https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=BUNCH_OF_LETTERS_HERE&hl=en"), I want to get the SpreadsheetEntry object corresponding to that document.
The method I've been using thus far obviously does not seem to extend to allow this, so I was wondering if anyone knows the proper way to access a public Google document through their API?
The Google Docs List API doesn't seem setup for that (see ahab's answer).