I'm trying to get my IP address using Erlang.
I found this example from here: Erlang: Finding my IP Address
local_ip_v4() ->
{ok, Addrs} = inet:getifaddrs(),
hd([Addr || {_, Opts} <- Addrs, {addr, Addr} <- Opts, size(Addr) == 4, Addr =/= {127,0,0,1}]).
But it returns a value like this: {127,0,0,1}
I want it to return a value like this: "{127,0,0,1}"
with double quotes (""
) because I want to use re:replace
to change ,
to .
How can I do that?
The function returns the tuple because this is something that erlang code can handle natively. What you might want to do is transform this tuple to a string and then apply string operations. Details on how to do that can be found e.g. at Convert erlang terms to string, or decode erlang binary