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Kurento Group call example: Get access to individual user pipeline

In java group call application example, how can I get access to each user's kurento mediapipeline. Is it possible to get a hold of individual pipeline?

When I print the Id of evey connected user's mediapipeline I get the same output

user1: b524a269-cef8-4070-99d4-e8895b7e6fb8_kurento.MediaPipeline
user2: b524a269-cef8-4070-99d4-e8895b7e6fb8_kurento.MediaPipeline

When we create WebRtcEndpoint we use something like this.outgoingMedia = new WebRtcEndpoint.Builder(pipeline).build();

here the pipeline object is same for all UserSession()

I want to apply my filter on each user's mediapipeline. Is it possible ?


here we are using pipeline in UserSession() to get the outgoing WebRtcEndpoint

this.outgoingMedia = new WebRtcEndpoint.Builder(pipeline).build();

and this is how I connect my filter to the out going webrtcendpoint's mediapipeline.

VADCustomFilter vadfilter = new  VADCustomFilter.Builder(this.outgoingMedia.getMediaPipeline(), name).build();

Edit 2:

solved the issue, I was setting user name when creating the filter object and then sending this username when raising events, now I am setting tags on the filter object and getting this tag when reveicing the event which is giving proper output


  • The pipeline is the same as only elements in the same pipeline can be connected.

    Is perfectly possible to add a filter to each input, but this may required modifying the connections that are being created when a new user arrives.