I have my middlewares configured in Strongloop in the following way in middleware.json:
"initial:before": {
"loopback#favicon": {}
"initial": {
"compression": {},
"cors": {
"params": {
"origin": true,
"credentials": true,
"maxAge": 86400
"helmet#xssFilter": {},
"helmet#frameguard": {
"params": [
"helmet#hsts": {
"params": {
"maxAge": 0,
"includeSubdomains": true
"helmet#hidePoweredBy": {},
"helmet#ieNoOpen": {},
"helmet#noSniff": {},
"helmet#noCache": {
"enabled": false
"express-jwt": {
"paths": [
"params": {
"secret": "secret"
"session": {},
"auth": {
"./middleware/token-validation": {
"paths": [
"parse": {},
"routes": {
"loopback#rest": {
"paths": [
"files": {},
"final": {
"loopback#urlNotFound": {}
"final:after": {
"loopback#errorHandler": {}
This file was genereated by Strongloop, except the "auth" middleware was added manually. In this middleware (token-validation.js) I want to access the currentContext like this:
return function tokenValidation(req, res, next) {
var app = req.app;
var ctx = app.loopback.getCurrentContext();
However, the ctx object is always null.... Any ideas?
Step 1: In config.json, you need to enable enableHttpContext that is
"remoting": {
"context": {
"enableHttpContext": true
Step 2: Add below code in sever.js before app.start();
app.use(loopback.token()); // this calls getCurrentContext
app.use(loopback.context()); // the context is started here
app.use(function (req, res, next) {
if (!req.accessToken) return next();
// your user model.js
app.models.user.findById(req.accessToken.userId, function(err, user) {
if (err) return next(err);
if (!user) return next(new Error('No user with this access token was found.'));
res.locals.currentUser = user;
var loopbackContext = loopback.getCurrentContext();
console.log('SERVER CTX?' +loopbackContext);
if (loopbackContext) loopbackContext.set('currentUser', user);
Step 3: add this code in model.js or any js.
var loopback = require('loopback');
var ctx = loopback.getCurrentContext();
var currentUser = ctx && ctx.get('currentUser');
console.log('currentUser.username: ', currentUser);