i'm trying to run LZMA (C version) (7-zip.org/sdk.html) on an MPC5748G from NXP, by compiling a simple code to encode/decode a stream , but i get some errors ... However the files are compiled successfully on my laptop and i was able to run the LZMA application
Here is the errors that DCC displays:
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets ...
..\tools\wr\mpc5748_wr594\diab\\WIN32\bin\dcc.exe -tPPCVLEES:simple -u__lear_calypso_memory_init -Wl,-Xremove-unused-sections -Wl,-Xunused-sections-list -lc -Wl,-m6 -Wm bsw/mcal/mcalm/linkerDescriptionVLE_App.dld -o out\app\BmwBdc2018GwmDutApp.elf out/app\objToLink.inl 1>out/app/BmwBdc2018GwmDutApp.map
dld: warning: Undefined symbol '__HEAP_END' in file 'sbrk.o(C:\GW_MCU\tools\wr\mpc5748_wr594\diab\\PPCVLEE\libchar.a)'
dld: warning: Undefined symbol '__HEAP_START' in file 'sbrk.o(C:\GW_MCU\tools\wr\mpc5748_wr594\diab\\PPCVLEE\libchar.a)'
dld: error: Undefined symbols found - no output written
This error is proper to diab compiler and here is what i've found in documentation:
Dynamic Memory Allocation - the heap, malloc( ), sbrk( )
malloc( ) allocates memory from a heap managed by function sbrk( ) in src/sbrk.c.
There are two ways to create the heap:
■ Define __HEAP_START and __HEAP_END, typically in a linker command file.
See the files conf/default.dld, conf/sample.dld, and 25.6 Command File
Structure, p.419 for examples.
■ Recompile sbrk.c as follows:
dcc -ttarget -c -D SBRK_SIZE=n sbrk.c
where n is the size of the desired heap in bytes.
I'm not the author of either source code of target neither LZMA SDK in C. What i have understood is that the LZMA encoder allocate at least 1Mb of RAM for the encoder and The MPC5748 provide only 768Kb of RAM.
So i have tagged the question to LZMA and diab compiler(No tag found) , only someone how worked in both could help me
i removed the problem in dld: warning: Undefined symbol 'LzmaEncProps_Init' in file 'lib/lzma/LzmaLib.o'by including the corresponding source file into my makefile however the HEAP problem persist. The problem disapeared However the apps doesn't run Using trace32 debugger i was able to diagnostic the source of this error: at line
p->probs = (CLzmaProb *)alloc->Alloc(alloc, numProbs * sizeof(CLzmaProb));
The line returns empty p->probs so it seems that alloc has not been able to allocate all the needed size
Maybe malloc is not allowed in the MCU that you are using, try to use static allocation or implement your own malloc.
You can found a usefull explanation here: