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How to use alasql in angular js controller?

I am using alasql in my angular js web app.

I have included


in my jade.

In my client side, in my module.js, I have included

angular.module('alasql.core', ['ui.router','restangular','alasql']);

And in my controller, I have injected the alasql.

    .controller('alasql.core.controller', ['$rootScope', '$scope', '$window','alasql',

        function($rootScope, $scope, $window,alasql) {

            function _init() {
                console.log("Inside Home Controller");
                var years = [
                    { yearid: 2012 }, { yearid: 2013 },
                    { yearid: 2014 }, { yearid: 2015 },
                    { yearid: 2016 },

                var res = alasql.queryArray('SELECT * FROM ? AS years ' +
                    'WHERE yearid > ?', [years, 2014]);

                console.log("Array res");



I am getting the below error

It says module err. And if I remove the 'alasql' injection , there is no error. But alasql.queryArray function remains undefined.

What is the correct procedure to inject alasql to my angular js controller? Please let me know.

Regards, Sabarisri


  • Please replace

    alasql.queryArray('SELECT * FROM ? AS years ' +
                    'WHERE yearid > ?', [years, 2014]);


    alasql('SELECT * FROM ? AS years ' +
                    'WHERE yearid > ?', [years, 2014]);