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Zingchart - adding and removing plot by ID

This is probably a simple question but I cannot find the answer anywhere. I have a graph where I add new plots dynamically. Now I need to remove some of the plots, however I need to identify the plot by id, not by index.

According to the documentation it is possible to remove a plot by ID. However, I am using the Jquery wrapper, which only talks about removing by index. In any case (with or without JQuery) I cannot make it work, I am not sure this is because of the way I add the plot, the way I remove it or the way I configure the plots themselves.

Code here.

(Note I am using the Jquery wrapper but for convenience the fiddle is not).

var myConfig = {

    id : 'demo-chart', 
    data : myConfig, 
    height: 400, 
    width: '100%' 

$('#demo1').click(function() {

        //plotid : 'http://mine/2',
        'data' : {
            plotid : 'http://mine/2',
            text : 'To be removed'

zingchart.exec('demo-chart', 'addplot', {
    data : {
        values : [10, 20, 15],
        text : 'To stay'

        //plotid : 'http://mine/2',
        data : {
            plotid : "http://mine/2"


EDIT: As pointed by patrick-rodee, the solution is this:

  • Use id (not plotid) inside the data when adding the plot.
  • Use plotid (with no data) when removing the plot.

    var myConfig = {
        id : 'demo-chart', 
        data : myConfig, 
        height: 400, 
        width: '100%' 
       $('#demo1').click(function() {
               'data' : {
                   id : 'http://mine/2',
                   text : 'To be removed'
       zingchart.exec('demo-chart', 'addplot', {
        data : {
            values : [10, 20, 15],
            text : 'To stay'
               plotid : 'http://mine/2',


By the way, it seems the behaviour by default can be a bit confusing: if you add two plots one will be plotted in blue, the other in red, then remove the blue plot, then add it again -> it will be plotted in red, so there will be two plots with the same colour.


  • Your removeplot call is passing a plotindex instead of a plotid. You should also move the plotid inside of your addchart call outside of the data object.

    Here's a working example that adds a plot with an id then removes both plots by their ids:

    It should provide enough working code to help you solve your issue.

    I'm on the ZingChart team. We're pretty active on here. Holler if you have more questions.