I am trying to do this
data Foo a = Foo a
data FooWrapper = FooWrapper (forall a. Foo a)
foo = [FooWrapper (Foo 0), FooWrapper (Foo "")]
But there is an error
Could not match type
with type
Existential types don't quite work the same in PureScript as they do in Haskell, so usually we use the purescript-exists
library for this kind of thing.
The equivalent using Exists
would be:
import Data.Exists (Exists(), mkExists)
data Foo a = Foo a
data FooWrapper = FooWrapper (Exists Foo)
foo = [FooWrapper (mkExists (Foo 0)), FooWrapper (mkExists (Foo ""))]
I suppose in this case you probably don't need FooWrapper
at all and could just have an array of Exists Foo