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SSAS cube drill down, relational data

FactTable (cube)

  • Id
  • CustomerId
  • SomeId
  • AnotherId
  • Price

Customer Dimension

  • Id,
  • CustomerName

Now, I connect to Analysis Services from Excel and get the pivot table added. When I double click a price in the pivot table I drill down and get all the rows that makes out the price/cell I double clicked.

The problem now is that I would like to be presented to the CustomerName instead (or also) of the CustomerId - as one of the columns. I have juggled around with cube, dimenensions and source tables, but I just can't get it right. It just returns the Id columns.

It's probably right in front of me, but I don't see it. The cube is built in Visual Studio 2013.


  • Each dimension member can have different sources for key and name. You set key to CustomerID and Name to CustomerName.