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Kurento Media server client-js for opencv-plugin-sample

What i do:

1.I downloaded the updated opencv_plugin-sample from the

2.Run the cmakelist using the cmake-gui and generated the

What i have to do:

1.Now i need to write kms-client-js for the opencv-plugin-sample to run in browser

2.I followed the instruction from the


3.I maually added the js file genrated using the above command to the kurento-crowddetector-client-js,Replace the kurento-module-crowddetector.js path with the OpencvPluginSample.js path in index.js

4.When i run the http-server from the client path ,i got the following error

     KurentoClient.js:15 Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined
     OpencvPluginSample.js:17 Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined
     index.js:64 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'register' of undefined

5.What i have to do to move forward? Is there any documentation to generate the client-js for the opencv-plugin-sample?


  • You don't need to generate kms-client-js. From that error, it seems like you are adding a Node module to a browser app. You'll need to browserify that module, before adding it to your client code.