I'm learning Angular and I'm doing some example to understand angular.copy. What I want to do is create an Object with a Service, and then create a new Object which contains some element of the Service's Object.
Full code example: HERE
This is the "Data" Object of the Service:
return {
name: "hello",
toys: ["asd", "lol"],
food: ["apple"],
phones: ["samsung", "lg", "iphone"]
In the Controller I copy the Object, create a new one, and copy into it just some element of the old Object:
$scope.oldData = angular.copy(Data);
$scope.newData = {};
$scope.newData.name = oldData.name;
$scope.newData.toys = oldData.toys;
$scope.newData.phones = oldData.phones;
What I expect is that the user display just three elements: the name, the toys array and the phones array:
<li ng-repeat="toy in newData.toys">{{ toy }}</li>
<li ng-repeat="phone in newData.phones">{{ phone }}</li>
Why does it not work? What am I doing wrong?
is scope variable, not normal javascript variable.
instead of
$scope.oldData = angular.copy(Data);
$scope.newData = {};
$scope.newData.name = $scope.oldData.name;
$scope.newData.toys = $scope.oldData.toys;
$scope.newData.phones = $scope.oldData.phones;
Or either way you could make it var oldData