I'm just learning x64 assembler and I've just encountered a problem I cannot quite explain. From how Kernel32.dll's ReadFile works from C code, I was expecting it to stop at the console and wait for me to input a full line before returning to the caller, something that surprisingly didn't work at all for me. The ReadFile procedure seems to return a zero length string no matter what is being pressed on the keyboard, or for that matter what is passed into it from a pipe on the command shell.
;Basic usage of the standard input/output/error channels.
;nasm -f win64 stdio.asm
;golink /console /ni /entry main stdio.obj kernel32.dll
%include "\inc\nasmx.inc"
%include "\inc\win32\windows.inc"
%include "\inc\win32\kernel32.inc"
%ifidn __BITS__, 0x40
;// assert: set call stack for procedure prolog to max
;// invoke param bytes for 64-bit assembly mode
entry toplevel
section .data
errmsg db "No errors to report!",0xd,0xa
errmsglen equ $-errmsg
query db "What is your name?",0xd,0xa
querylen equ $-query
greet db "Welcome, "
greetlen equ $-greet
crlf db 0xd,0xa
crlflen equ $-crlf
bNamelim db 0xff
minusone equ 0xffffffffffffffff
zero equ 0x0
section .bss
hStdInput resq 0x1
hStdOutput resq 0x1
hStdError resq 0x1
hNum resq 0x1
hMode resq 0x1
bName resb 0x100
bNamelen resq 0x1
section .text
proc toplevel, ptrdiff_t argcount, ptrdiff_t cmdline
locals none
invoke GetStdHandle, STD_INPUT_HANDLE
mov qword [hStdInput], rax
; invoke GetConsoleMode, qword [hStdInput], hMode
; mov rdx, [hMode]
; invoke SetConsoleMode, qword [hStdInput], rdx
invoke GetStdHandle, STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE
mov qword [hStdOutput], rax
invoke GetStdHandle, STD_ERROR_HANDLE
mov qword [hStdError], rax
invoke WriteFile, qword [hStdOutput], query, querylen, hNum, zero
invoke WaitForSingleObject, qword[hStdInput], minusone
invoke ReadFile, qword [hStdInput], bName, bNamelim, bNamelen, zero
invoke WriteFile, qword [hStdOutput], greet, greetlen, hNum, zero
invoke WriteFile, qword [hStdOutput], bName, bNamelen, hNum, zero
invoke WriteFile, qword [hStdOutput], crlf, crlflen, hNum, zero
invoke WriteFile, qword [hStdError], errmsg, errmsglen, hNum, zero
invoke ExitProcess, zero
I've done the same function using the C runtime and that works, but now I'm trying to get a working verion without using that crutch. I'm using NASM (with NASMX include files providing macros) and GoLink, linking against kernel32.dll. What am I doing wrong? What behaviour of which API did I miss? From the MSDN articles on the Win32 console APIs, the behaviour of ReadFile surprises me.
Also, if I remove the WaitForSingleObject call from the assembly, something that isn't present in the C equivalent, the entire program finishes running without ever stopping to wait for console input, despite ReadFile being supposed to do just that.
EDIT Well, Raymond Chen asked about the macro expansions and if they were correct according to calling conventions, so:
invoke GetStdHandle, STD_INPUT_HANDLE
mov qword [hStdInput], rax
this gets turned into
sub rsp,byte +0x20
mov rcx,0xfffffffffffffff6
call qword 0x2000
add rsp,byte +0x20
mov [0x402038],rax
which seems to follow the calling conventions of Win64 for 0-4 integer argument calls just fine. How about the five argument form?
invoke WriteFile, qword [hStdOutput], query, querylen, hNum, zero
This gets turned into
sub rsp,byte +0x30
mov rcx,[0x402040]
mov rdx,0x402016
mov r8d,0x14
mov r9,0x402050
mov qword [rsp+0x20],0x0
call qword 0x2006
add rsp,byte +0x30
And from that it seems to me like at least the invoke
macro is correct. The proc
macro is harder, because it's spread out and I believe that the invoke
macro somehow relies on it. Anyway, the prologue ends up expanding to this:
push rbp
mov rbp,rsp
mov rax,rsp
and rax,byte +0xf
jz 0x15
sub rsp,byte +0x10
and spl,0xf0
mov [rbp+0x10],rcx
mov [rbp+0x18],rdx
and the epilogue ends up expanding into this:
mov rsp,rbp
pop rbp
Both of which, from my admittedly meagre knowledge of Win64, seems to be okay.
EDIT Okay, thanks to Harry Johnston's answer I got the code working:
;Basic usage of the standard input/output/error channels.
;nasm -f win64 stdio.asm
;golink /console /ni /entry main stdio.obj kernel32.dll
%include "\inc\nasmx.inc"
%include "\inc\win32\windows.inc"
%include "\inc\win32\kernel32.inc"
%ifidn __BITS__, 0x40
;// assert: set call stack for procedure prolog to max
;// invoke param bytes for 64-bit assembly mode
entry toplevel
section .data
errmsg db "No errors to report!",0xd,0xa
errmsglen equ $-errmsg
query db "What is your name?",0xd,0xa
querylen equ $-query
greet db "Welcome, "
greetlen equ $-greet
crlf db 0xd,0xa
crlflen equ $-crlf
bNamelim equ 0xff
minusone equ 0xffffffffffffffff
zero equ 0x0
section .bss
hStdInput resq 0x1
hStdOutput resq 0x1
hStdError resq 0x1
hNum resq 0x1
hMode resq 0x1
bName resb 0x100
bNamelen resq 0x1
section .text
proc toplevel, ptrdiff_t argcount, ptrdiff_t cmdline
locals none
invoke GetStdHandle, STD_INPUT_HANDLE
mov qword [hStdInput], rax
invoke GetStdHandle, STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE
mov qword [hStdOutput], rax
invoke GetStdHandle, STD_ERROR_HANDLE
mov qword [hStdError], rax
invoke WriteFile, qword [hStdOutput], query, querylen, hNum, zero
invoke ReadFile, qword [hStdInput], bName, bNamelim, bNamelen, zero
invoke WriteFile, qword [hStdOutput], greet, greetlen, hNum, zero
invoke WriteFile, qword [hStdOutput], bName, [bNamelen], hNum, zero
invoke WriteFile, qword [hStdOutput], crlf, crlflen, hNum, zero
invoke WriteFile, qword [hStdError], errmsg, errmsglen, hNum, zero
invoke ExitProcess, zero
However, that code still doesn't answer Raymond Chen's issues with the macros and whether they violate the Win64 ABI or not, so I'll have to look into that some more.
EDIT A version without macros that I believe follow the x64 ABI fully, including the unwind data.
;Basic usage of the standard input/output/error channels.
;nasm -f win64 stdio.asm
;golink /console /ni /entry main stdio.obj kernel32.dll
;Image setup
bits 64
default rel
global main
extern GetStdHandle
extern WriteFile
extern ReadFile
extern ExitProcess
;Read only data
section .rdata use64
zero: equ 0x0
query: db "What is your name?",0xd,0xa
querylen: equ $-query
greet: db "Welcome, "
greetlen: equ $-greet
errmsg: db "No errors to report!",0xd,0xa
errmsglen: equ $-errmsg
crlf: db 0xd,0xa
crlflen: equ $-crlf
bNamelim: equ 0xff
UNW_VERSION: equ 0x1
UWOP_SAVE_XMM128: equ 0x8
UWOP_SAVE_XMM128_FAR: equ 0x9
;Uninitialised data
section .bss use64
argc: resq 0x1
argv: resq 0x1
envp: resq 0x1
hStdInput: resq 0x1
hStdOutput: resq 0x1
hStdError: resq 0x1
hNum: resq 0x1
hMode: resq 0x1
bName: resb 0x100
bNamelen: resq 0x1
;Program code
section .text use64
.argc: mov qword [argc], rcx
.argv: mov qword [argv], rdx
.envp: mov qword [envp], r8
.rsp: sub rsp, 0x8*0x4+0x8
; hStdInput = GetStdHandle (STD_INPUT_HANDLE)
mov rcx, qword STD_INPUT_HANDLE
call GetStdHandle
mov qword [hStdInput], rax
; hStdOutput = GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)
mov rcx, qword STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE
call GetStdHandle
mov qword [hStdOutput], rax
; hStdError = GetStdHandle (STD_ERROR_HANDLE)
mov rcx, qword STD_ERROR_HANDLE
call GetStdHandle
mov qword [hStdError], rax
; WriteFile (*hStdOutput, &query, querylen, &hNum, NULL)
mov rcx, qword [hStdOutput]
mov rdx, qword query
mov r8d, dword querylen
mov r9, qword hNum
mov qword [rsp+0x20], zero
call WriteFile
; ReadFile (*hStdInput, &bName, bNamelim, &bNameLen, NULL)
mov rcx, qword [hStdInput]
mov rdx, qword bName
mov r8d, dword bNamelim
mov r9, qword bNamelen
mov qword [rsp+0x20], zero
call ReadFile
; WriteFile (*hStdOutput, &crlf, crlflen, &hNum, NULL)
mov rcx, qword [hStdOutput]
mov rdx, qword crlf
mov r8d, dword crlflen
mov r9, qword hNum
mov qword [rsp+0x20], zero
call WriteFile
; WriteFile (*hStdOutput, &greet, greetlen, &hNum, NULL)
mov rcx, qword [hStdOutput]
mov rdx, qword greet
mov r8d, dword greetlen
mov r9, qword hNum
mov qword [rsp+0x20], zero
call WriteFile
; WriteFile (*hStdOutput, &bName, *bNamelen, &hNum, NULL)
mov rcx, qword [hStdOutput]
mov rdx, qword bName
mov r8d, dword [bNamelen]
mov r9, qword hNum
mov qword [rsp+0x20], zero
call WriteFile
; WriteFile (*hStdOutput, &crlf, crlflen, &hNum, NULL)
mov rcx, qword [hStdOutput]
mov rdx, qword crlf
mov r8d, dword crlflen
mov r9, qword hNum
mov qword [rsp+0x20], zero
call WriteFile
; WriteFile (*hStdError, &errmsg, errmsglen, &hNum, NULL)
mov rcx, qword [hStdError]
mov rdx, qword errmsg
mov r8d, dword errmsglen
mov r9, qword hNum
mov qword [rsp+0x20], zero
call WriteFile
; ExitProcess(0)
.exit: xor ecx, ecx
call ExitProcess
.rval: xor eax, eax ; return 0
add rsp, 0x8*0x4+0x8
; Win64 Windows API x64 Structured Exception Handling (SEH) - procedure data
section .pdata rdata align=4 use64
.start: dd main wrt ..imagebase
.end: dd main.end wrt ..imagebase
.info: dd xmain wrt ..imagebase
; Win64 Windows API x64 Structured Exception Handling (SEH) - unwind information
section .xdata rdata align=8 use64
db UNW_VERSION + (UNW_FLAG_NHANDLER << 0x3) ; Version = 1
; Version is low 3 bits. Handler flags are high 5 bits.
.size: db main.body-main.prolog ; size of prolog that is
.count: db 0x1 ; Only one unwind code
.frame: db 0x0 + (0x0 << 0x4) ; Zero if no frame pointer taken
; Frame register is low 4 bits, Frame register offset is high 4 bits,
; rsp + 16 * offset at time of establishing
.codes: db main.body-main.prolog ; offset of next instruction
db UWOP_ALLOC_SMALL + (0x4 << 0x4) ; UWOP_INFO: 4*8+8 bytes
; Low 4 bytes UWOP, high 4 bytes op info.
; Some ops use one or two 16 bit slots more for addressing here
db 0x0,0x0 ; Unused record to bring the number to be even
.handl: ; 32 bit image relative address to entry of exception handler
.einfo: ; implementation defined structure exception info
I suspect this is your problem:
bNamelim db 0xff
invoke ReadFile, qword [hStdInput], bName, bNamelim, bNamelen, zero
You're passing the address rather than the value of bNamelim
I'm not sure exactly how ReadFile should be expected to respond to a value larger than 32 bits, but it certainly isn't what you wanted to do.