My question relates to this question.
This question is quite dated, and the answer more so and it feels like it is lacking somewhat. The user created a control from scratch that is lacking somewhat, but the biggest point is that it doesn't feel like it should be necessary ( to me, at least ) to create an entirely new control in order to have a TextBlock that can support stroked ( outlined ) text.
I'm trying to extend the TextBlock control by providing a Brush property and a double property. I had hoped I could override the OnRender method but it's sealed, so I can't.
This is what I have so far ( it's not much ) :
public class StrokedText: TextBlock {
public static readonly DependencyProperty
StrokeProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
typeof( Brush ),
typeof( StrokedText ),
new PropertyMetadata(
( S, E ) => ( S as StrokedLabel ).InvalidateVisual( ) ) ),
StrokeWidthProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
typeof( double ),
typeof( StrokedText ),
new PropertyMetadata(
( S, E ) => ( S as StrokedLabel ).InvalidateVisual( ) ) );
/// <summary>
/// Get or Set Stroke Brush.
/// </summary>
public Brush Stroke {
get { return this.GetValue( StrokeProperty ) as Brush; }
set { this.SetValue( StrokeProperty, value ); }
/// <summary>
/// Get or Set Stroke Width
/// </summary>
public double StrokeWidth {
get { return ( double )this.GetValue( StrokeWidthProperty ); }
set { this.SetValue( StrokeWidthProperty, value ); }
I've been spending some time looking at the TextBlock control in order to trace where it actually renders the string as text on the screen ( I figured if I could find that I could copy the method ), but I was hoping someone might happen to already know the answer and save me some time as the TextBlock control is just... insane.
So - is it possible for me to extend this TextBlock so that I can stroke the text like I want?
For clarity, there seems to have been a misunderstanding as to for what I am going - I do not care about outlining the text block. I want to outline the TEXT itself.
Something like this:
<TextBlock >
<DropShadowEffect ShadowDepth="0"
Some text that we want outlined
Using DropShadowEffect to simulate the Glow/Outline effect.