I am trying to create a Desktop app (using java) that points to the same database of my website (created using symfony 2),and i have a problem that I can't insert in the columns "password" and "salt" (using the same encryption type sha512
generated by fosuserBundle),and I don't know how fosuserBundle generates the "salt" value.
My encoder is currently set as:
FOS\UserBundle\Model\UserInterface: sha512
finally i find a solution that makes the field "salt" negligible in the fos_user table:
namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Encoder;
protected function mergePasswordAndSalt($password, $salt)
if (empty($salt)) {
return $password;
if (false !== strrpos($salt, '{') || false !== strrpos($salt, '}')) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Cannot use { or } in salt.');
return $password;