I have 3 checkboxes and planning to add more and I need to determine if it is checked or not. So what I did was to put them in an ArrayList of JCheckBox. By the way, I'm using SMALLINT
apache derby data type on which ill use preparedStatement.getBoolean()
ArrayList<JCheckBox> homeCbxs = new ArrayList<>();
homeCbxs.add(updateUserNameCheckBox); // 0
homeCbxs.add(updatePasswordCheckBox); // 1
homeCbxs.add(updatePhotoCheckBox); // 2
int x = 0;
for(JCheckBox cb : homeCbxs){
Boolean bool;
bool = cb.isSelected();
//preparedStatement here, ps.setInt(x,bool)
I thought maybe I can use the getComponents()
method which returns an array of components so I can get all the check boxes inside a panel.
Maybe like,
ArrayList<JCheckBox> homeCbxs = homePermssionsCheckBoxPanel.getComponents();
Instead of adding them one by one,
homeCbxs.add(updateUserNameCheckBox); // 0
homeCbxs.add(updatePasswordCheckBox); // 1
homeCbxs.add(updatePhotoCheckBox); // 2
However, the problem is ArrayList<JComponents>
won't accept arrays. I get an error message that incompatible types: Component[] cannot be converted ArrayList<JCheckBox>
Do you have any suggestions? Any workaround to cast or do some conversions. I'm just trying to shorten the lines of codes. :D
Also, I would like to ask if getComponents()
assigns 0 as first index of it's array.
I'd appreciate any help.
Create your own utility method to get the components.
public List<Component> getComponentsAsList (Container cont){
return Stream.of(cont.getComponents())
Then, you just have to not forget to cast them to JCheckBox
to check if they're checked or not.
List<Component> list = getComponentsAsList(homePermssionsCheckBoxPanel);
for(Component c : list){
if (!(c instanceof JCheckBox)) continue;
if (((JCheckBox)c).isSelected()){
// doStuff
public List<Component> getComponentsAsList (Container cont){
List<Component> tmp = new ArrayList<>();
for (Component c : cont.getComponents()) {
return tmp;