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Unity 5.3 Setting Particle System Emission Rate not changing

I checked the documentation which I found nothing to show how to change of my Emission Rate in my Particle System and I checked Reddit and found nothing.

This is what I am trying to change : enter image description here

The code I am using that I thought would work is this :

public ParticleSystem Smoke;

void Start()
    // Get the particle system (Smoke) Module.
    em = Smoke.emission;
    rate = em.rate;
    // Set the Mode to Constant.
    rate.mode = ParticleSystemCurveMode.Constant;


void Update()
    if (distance < 1f)
        // Attempt to set the constant
        rate.constantMin = 20f;
        rate.constantMax = 20f;


But with this above code when I look at my GameObjects Particle Systems Emission in the scene view and in the inspector nothing changes. What am I doing wrong?


  • This is a bit bulky in 5.3. You have to get the rate and store it in a local variable, change the values you want and then set it.

    void Update()
        if(distance < 1f)
            rate = em.rate;
            rate.constantMin = 20f;
            rate.constantMax = 20f;
            em.rate = rate;