I have a function with a template parameter which I know to be a std::tuple
of several standard C++ containers of varying element types.
How can I extract, out of this, a type that is a std::tuple
of the element types?
For example, suppose I have the following function
template <typename TupOfCtrs>
void doStuff(const TupOfCtrs& tupOfCtrs) {
using TupOfElements = /*extract a tuple type by applying CtrT::value_type to each container in tupOfCtrs and combining the results into an std::tuple*/;
MyHelperClass<TupOfElements> helper;
and I know it is being called like this:
std::list<Foo> l {/*...*/};
std::vector<Bar> v {/*...*/};
std::deque<Baz> d {/*...*/};
auto tup = std::make_tuple(l, v, d);
In this case, I want the TupOfElements
helper type to be defined as std::tuple<Foo, Bar, Baz>
Note that I do not need to actually create the tuple, only to get its type.
How can this be achieved, possibly using the Boost::Fusion library?
You can do this even in a more simple manner without Boost Fusion like this:
// Template which takes one type argument:
template <typename Tuple> struct TupOfValueTypes;
// Only provide a definition for this template for std::tuple arguments:
// (i.e. the domain of this template metafunction is any std::tuple)
template <typename ... Ts>
struct TupOfValueTypes<std::tuple<Ts...> > {
// This definition is only valid, if all types in the tuple have a
// value_type type member, i.e. the metafunction returns a type only
// if all types of the members in the std::tuple have a value_type
// type member, and a std::tuple can be constructed from these:
using type = std::tuple<typename Ts::value_type...>;
template <typename TupOfCtrs>
void doStuff(const TupOfCtrs& tupOfCtrs) {
using TupOfElements = typename TupOfValueTypes<TupOfCtrs>::type;
// ...
But it is of course easier to specify doStuff
for the std::tuple
template <typename ... Ts>
void doStuff(const std::tuple<Ts...> & tupOfCtrs) {
using TupOfElements = std::tuple<typename Ts::value_type...>;
// ...
PS: Also note, that in many cases if you need to just have a list of types, the std::tuple
class is an overkill, and might slightly hurt compilation times. Personally, I've always instead used a simple TypeList
template <typename ... Ts> struct TypeList
{ using type = TypeList<Ts...>; };