I'm prototyping in Framer.js. I have a scroll component and scroll content, I'm trying to print the current x or scrollX position of the content. So if I scroll 500px to the right the code will print 500
Bg = new BackgroundLayer
backgroundColor: 'FFF'
scroll = new ScrollComponent
width: 750
height: 1334
scrollVertical: false
layerA = new Layer
width: 750 * 5
height: 1334
superLayer: scroll.content
layerA.style.background = "-webkit-linear-gradient(45deg, #2AF 0%, #F00 100%)"
# get current x value of scroll content
print layerA.scrollX
Framer Demo: http://share.framerjs.com/70pi1l6is76t/
Codepen Demo: http://codepen.io/matter/pen/78fc798001529418123b84470ea8c625?editors=0010
Thank you in advance,
You can print the current scrollX value by adding an event listener:
scroll.onScroll ->
print scroll.scrollX
More on events: http://framerjs.com/docs/#events.events
Updated Framer demo: http://share.framerjs.com/jvmsrtmm7i5g/