I have 2 schemas: a.xsd
and b.xsd
which has a dependency on a.xsd
Schemas are split in different maven projects and packages.
Originally, b.xsd
imports a.xsd
like this (I don't want to change it):
<import namespace="urn:a" schemaLocation="a.xsd"/>
What do I need to put in my catalog.cat
to translate a.xsd
to maven:com.mycompany:a:jar::!/com/mycompany/a/a.xsd
I tried PUBLIC, SYSTEM, URI, REWRITE_URI, REWRITE_SYSTEM but nothing is working.
As soon as I change the reference a.xsd
to http://.../a.xsd
in my schema and use REWRITE_SYSTEM in my catalog, then it is working. But as I said, I don't want to modify my schema.
Nevermind, it seems to work with SYSTEM_SUFFIX.