I'm trying to use yeoman to take this JSON file:
"models": {
"user": {
"properties": [
"name": {
"type": "string"
"surname": {
"type": "string"
"id": "number"
And turn it into something like:
Class User {
name : string
surname : string
id : number
Would it be possible to do some form of looping in the template? Here's what I have in mind...
export class <%= entityName %> extends Model {
<% forEach (property in props) { %>
<%= property.name %> : <% property.type %>;
<% } %>
The template language can run any JS code. So just use normal for
loop or iterations methods on arrays (arr.forEach()
export class <%= entityName %> extends Model {
<% for (property of props) { %>
<%= property.name %> : <% property.type %>;
<% } %>
Yeoman is using ejs as template engine. Visit their website for more information on the supported features.