I am trying (for learning purposes) to make a Portal game. I have the basics working, I can place two portals, and walking within the collider of one makes me teleport to the other, however I can't seem to get the facing direction/rotation to work. I want to face outwards from the new portal after the teleportation.
I have tried the following, with no success: var angle = thisPortalCamera.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y - otherPortalCamera.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y; playerChar.transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, angle);
My idea here was that only the y-axis rotation really matters, and I think I should rotate the player by the difference in axis between the two portals. This is probably really simple and easy, but I am pretty new to Unity. Any suggestions?
The easiest way would be to set your portal so that its forward is the orientation you want you player to have. Then you just go with:
player.transform.rotation = portal.transform.rotation;
player.transform.position = portal.transform.position;
The aim is to have the blue arrow of your portal to point in the right direction.