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Meteor AutoForm stops proceeding submit

I would like to create a form, using the autoform package for Meteor, for my CAS_Entry collection. The code can be seen below. I also added the defined hooks, of which unfortunately only beginSubmit and before are executed and no entry is added to the collection. Using Meteor shell, the insert works like a charm.

I am grateful for any hint.

addCasEntry.html, Template for displaying the form:

{{#autoForm collection="CAS_Entry" type="insert" id="addCasEntryForm"}}
  {{> afQuickField name="type" options="allowed"}}
  {{> afQuickField name="description" rows="6" type="textarea"}}
  {{> afQuickField name="file" type="cfs-file" collection="Images"}}
  {{> afQuickField name="date" }}
  <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Add</button>

addCasEntry.js, adding debugging hooks:

  addCasEntryForm: {
    before: {
      insert: function(doc) {
    after: {
      insert: function(error, result) {
        console.log('Occured error: ' + error);
    beginSubmit: function() {
      console.log('begin submit');  
    onSuccess: function(formType, result) {
      console.log("Insert succeeded");
      console.log('Result ' + result);
    onError: function(formType, error) {

SimpleSchema.debug = true;


CAS_Entry = new Mongo.Collection("cas_entries");

CAS_Entry.attachSchema(new SimpleSchema({
  type: {
    type: String,
    allowedValues: ['reflection', 'evidence']
  description: {
    type: String,
    optional: true
  file: {
    type: String,
    optional: true,
  timeUploaded: {
    type: Date,
    optional: true,
    autoValue: function() {
      return new Date();
  date: {
    type: Date,

  'insert': function() {
    return true;
  'update': function() {
    return true;

And here is the console output:

console output


  • Your form won't be submitted because you are not returning or passing the document to this.result(); inside your before hook.

      addCasEntryForm: {
        // ...
        before: {
          insert: function(doc) {
            return doc;
        // ...

    According to the documentation, you should use one of the following statements depending on your defined preconditions:

    • Synchronous, submit: return doc;.
    • Synchronous, cancel: return false;.
    • Asynchronous, submit: this.result(doc);.
    • Asynchronous, cancel: this.result(false);.