I am having a method as below which I want to mock using Fakes. Any help in this regard is really appreciated?
IEnumerable<T> ExecuteReader<T>(
string commandText,
Func<IDataRecord, T> returnFunc,
int timeOut = 30);
Assuming you've generated the fakes assembly for the interface/class in question then it depends if you're using an interface (or virtual method) to define the method or only a class. If an interface or virtual method, you can use a stub like
public void StubFuncTest()
StubITestReader stubClass = new StubITestReader();
stubClass.ExecuteReaderOf1StringFuncOfIDataRecordM0Int32<int>((str, func, timeout) =>
int[] retVal = {12, 25, 15};
return retVal;
ITestReader reader = stubClass;
IEnumerable<int> curInt = reader.ExecuteReader<int>("testText", TestFunc);
foreach (var i in curInt)
or if just a standard method, you'll need to use a shim (I would advise to use the first option)
public void ShimFuncTest()
TestUnitTestClass tutClass = new TestUnitTestClass();
using (ShimsContext.Create())
ShimTestUnitTestClass shimClass = new ShimTestUnitTestClass(tutClass);
shimClass.ExecuteReaderOf1StringFuncOfIDataRecordM0Int32<int>((str, func, timeout) =>
int[] retVal = {12, 25, 15};
return retVal;
IEnumerable<int> curInt = tutClass.ExecuteReader<int>("testText", TestFunc);
foreach (var i in curInt)
Adding response to comment
It's a bit easier for normal methods. Using the stub, it would be something like
public void StubRegFuncTest()
StubITestReader stubClass = new StubITestReader();
stubClass.ExecuteNonQueryStringInt32 = (str, timeout) => timeout * 2;
ITestReader reader = stubClass;
int curInt = reader.ExecuteNonQuery("testText");
curInt = reader.ExecuteNonQuery("testText", 10);
The not-so-obvious difference is the generic method is enclosed in parenthesis while the normal method is just lambda expression and code block.